

MAILBOX NOTIFICATION SYSTEM Mini project constructed by: 1) Huda Aqilah 2) Hani Farisha  3) Khairul Arifah 4) Nor Amirah Sofea 5) Siti Nur Aisyah Figure 1.0 Connection for the system REQUIRED COMPONENT NodeMCU 32s Jumper wire IR sensor OBJECTIVE 1. Create a low-cost mailbox notification system with mailbox notification. 2. To incorporate the model's design into the mailbox notification system. 3. To determine whether the mailbox notification system is completely operational. INTRODUCTION      Mailbox Notification System was created to address the issue that people today face when they are unable to monitor their postage in their daily lives. The project was chosen because the majority of inhabitants, whether they live in an apartment, townhouse, or home, are irritated when they go to the mailbox to check for mail and it is empty. We are inspired to create a technology that will make our lives easier in a variety of ways. A mail notification system will send a notification mes